Alternatively, saltwater fish such as herring was matured in barrels with a lower solution ... named by Poles from Galicia to honour the Japanese whom they supported in the Russian-Japanese War of ...
For a small fish, herring has had a big impact on human societies of the North Atlantic. It was “the most remarkable of fish”, according to James Travis Jenkins in his 1927 book, The Herring ...
A comparison of the fast-growing fish-eating Baltic herring (Slåttersill in Swedish) and slow-growing plankton-eating spring- and autumn-spawning Baltic herring. Photo: Leif Andersson.
Intresting case of Punctuated Equilibria sub-speciation in the Atlantic herring. It colonized brakish and very recently fully formed Baltic sea (8 Ka BP). Planktivore turned in to piscivore with ...