At the Chennai home of Subbu Subramanian, Pongal is an “intense” and unique celebration. “In most communities, only one pot of pongal is prepared per household. But in Chettinad households ...
Sweet and savoury Pongal dishes reflect the duality of life—joy and sustenance, indulgence and simplicity. As you savour these dishes, remember the rich folklore and mythology they carry in every bite ...
As the milk boils freely over the pot, family members shout out with ebullience, “Pongalo Pongal”. The dish is then offered to Lord Ganesha and to the Sun God, expressing gratitude for the ...
Ilamaran, 35, a potter, said, “My family alone make more than 2,000 to 3,000 pots every year for Pongal festival ... the speed than other district pot makers, they did not want to compromise ...
Swiggy Instamart introduced an interactive Pongal pot installation at Express Avenue Mall in Chennai from January 14 to 17, 2025. The life-sized installation blends the Pongal tradition of ...