President Trump would like to run the country without having to deal with Congress, interfering judges or the rule of law.
But such sporadic demonstrations of sanity are not the real reason for his exaggerated popularity on the right. The Shrekian ...
First responders were still retrieving dead bodies from the icy waters of the Potomac River when President Donald Trump ...
Republican plans to slash Medicaid remind me of the Peanuts cartoon character Charlie Brown who is always on the verge of kicking the football before it gets yanked away. In order to fund President ...
Stephen Puleo’s biography offers a fresh glimpse into the Radical Republicans’ struggle against slavery and shines a light on ...
His second inauguration had just occurred and the speeches were barely over when Donald Trump pardoned pretty much all of the ...
Trump has shown an affinity with many of the little guys — what he called in 2017 "the forgotten men and women." But he also ...
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Short takes, outtakes, our takes and other stuff you should know about public information, government accountability and ...
Despair was on the national menu in October, 1973. Paul Conrad described the state of the presidency in the words White House ...
Dear editor, "It is a beautiful thing, the destruction of words." In the book "1984," George Orwell's character, Syme, makes this comment when describing his employers, the misnomered Ministry of ...
Please help us! If you are fed up with letting radical big tech execs, phony fact-checkers, tyrannical liberals and a lying mainstream media have unprecedented power over your news please consider ...