Business owners should be cautious with finances and property dealings. If in a partnership, watch out for potential dishonesty. Be prudent and avoid risky decisions to safeguard your business.
These zodiac signs are likely to break up in 2025, as their natives face the pressures of unfavourable planetary positions during the year.
Hollywood is getting dressed up as the Golden Globes return for their annual champagne-soaked celebration of film and ...
Scientists say the snail darter, whose endangered species status delayed the building of a dam in Tennessee in the 1970s, is ...
A long-haul driver cruising at a truck stop isn’t the kind of story that typically inspires folk tunes. Still, queer indie ...
While speaking with TooFab, Susan Miller -- who is the founder of -- detailed what the year will bring for ...
Discover how your zodiac sign can influence the perfect pet choice for you. Whether you're an energetic Aries needing a ...
In personal life, you may be given a key family responsibility, boosting your sense of duty. Expect a rise in social standing and respect. Politically inclined individuals might gain influence today.
Speleologists have discovered a third underground lake beneath the Kifisos river in Athens, after having previously ...
Venus moves into Pisces in the evening, where it will stay for the next month. For now, everyone may be a bit more gracious ...