Claire also once found love on set with co-star Peter Amory, who portrayed Chris Tate on the show. READ MORE: Emmerdale Denise Welch character's identity 'revealed' - and she's related to Dales icon ...
Joe is the son of villain Chris Tate (Peter Amory) - who had once been Kim's stepson. Although the character dates back to 1995, Ned made his debut in the role during 2017. Introduced as ...
Claire also once found love on set with co-star Peter Amory, who portrayed Chris Tate on the show. READ MORE: Emmerdale fans 'work out' Denise Welch character's long-lost Dales sibling- and it's icon ...
Joe is the son of villain Chris Tate (Peter Amory) - who had once been Kim's stepson. Although the character dates back to 1995, Ned made his debut in the role during 2017. Introduced as ...
Claire also found romance on set with Peter Amory, who played Chris Tate in the series. The couple tied the knot in 1994 and were together for ten years. However, their marriage came to an abrupt ...
Claire also once found love on set with co-star Peter Amory, who portrayed Chris Tate on the show. The pair got hitched in 1994 and were together for a decade. Their marriage, however, ended ...