A seemingly minor trickle of groundwater beneath Alaska’s tundra is quietly releasing vast amounts of carbon into the ocean.
The startup’s ‘AI-optimized CDR’ approach is designed to re-create the optimal conditions for phytoplankton to play their ...
Small island developing states (Sids) are on the front lines of climate change, threatened by rising sea levels, extreme ...
Heat Absorption Oceans play a crucial role in absorbing excess heat generated by greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, they take ...
The Winter School brought together 12 participants from 11 countries—Argentina, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ghana, Italy, Namibia, Nigeria, Malaysia, the Philippines and Portugal—for two weeks of ...
Explore how climate change threatens 50 UNESCO World Heritage sites around the globe, from melting glaciers and rising sea ...
As one of the most pressing environmental issues, ocean acidification is often overshadowed by other climate change phenomena. However, its implications for marine life and ecosystems cannot be ...
Dave Phillips is working to give two other orcas a life outside captivity, Phillips, a director of the International Marine Mammal Project at Earth Island Institute, was one the first people ...
Removing carbon could also help prevent ocean acidification ... ‘This is definitely going to be helpful for marine life,’ simply because of the scale required to change entire oceans ...
Tiny ocean creatures are sending us an urgent message about ... "These organisms are like sentinels, warning us of the drastic effects that warming and acidification have on marine ecosystems." These ...
Establishing a new North Pole marine reserve where industrial activities such as shipping, oil and gas exploration and fishing are banned could provide an ocean sanctuary for wildlife. Explorer ...