Texas students largely aren’t making enough progress recovering from the learning disruptions touched off by the pandemic, ...
The Nation’s Report Card sheds light on how U.S. fourth and eighth graders are performing in math and reading. Here’s how ...
SPRINGFIELD – Fourth and eighth grade students in Illinois generally scored as well or better than the national average in ...
Maine fourth graders' math and reading skills are among the lowest in the country and have dropped the most since ...
Education experts said the NAEP test scores show students are catching up after pandemic-related learning loss.
As scores on a national test of math and reading continued a downward slide, South Carolina students held steady, improved or ...
There's some good news in math, mostly bad news in reading and lots of questions about why students are still struggling.
New results from a national exam find that America’s children have continued to lose ground on reading skills in the wake of ...
A recent analysis finds placing students directly into college-level courses, rather than a more precise placement system, is ...
The large districts that receive separate NAEP scores recorded a mixed bag last year, but largely followed national trends.