Tamil actor and director Dhanush is gearing up for the release of his much-anticipated film Idli Kadai, which is set to hit theatres in April 2025. In celebration of Pongal, Dhanush recently ...
Ultra-low-cost carrier Frontier Airlines is launching its first flight from DFW International Airport to New York’s JFK International. Going head-to-head against legacy carriers in connecting ...
U.S. ULCC Frontier Airlines has unveiled plans to continue growing its presence at New York John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), adding three more routes. Frontier will open service on ...
DALLAS — Frontier Airlines (F9) will commence three new routes from New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK). Effective March 30, daily nonstop service to Miami International Airport ...
Denver-based Frontier Airlines has announced its intentions to launch three new routes this spring, all from New York John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK). Frontier Airlines announced the ...
SAN FRANCISCO — When he was still a boy making long, tedious trips between his school and his woodsy home in the mountains during the 1980s, JoeBen Bevirt began fantasizing about flying cars ...
Frontier will start flying from JFK to Miami, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Los Angeles, the airline said in a news release on Tuesday, Jan. 7. The three destinations are known as major hubs for American ...
Frontier will start flying from JFK to Miami, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Los Angeles, the airline said in a news release on Tuesday, Jan. 7. The three destinations are known as major hubs for American ...
Frontier Airlines' new service will go to cities that are big American Airlines hubs. Frontier said basic New York-Miami fares would start at $19 each way. Miami flights begin in March, Dallas ...