Emmerdale aired a twist in the storyline involving Marlon Dingle and Laurel Thomas following the disappearance of April ...
Emmerdale's Marlon Dingle is targeted by online trolls as April Windsor's disappearance storyline continues in the New Year.
The ITV soap's Christmas Day episode featured a nasty surprise for Marlon Dingle as he discovered that his teenage daughter had gone missing. April ran away from home following a difficult few ...
In last night's Christmas day episode of Emmerdale, viewers saw the heartbreaking moment Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) found that his teenage daughter April (Amelia Flannagan) had run away.
On Christmas Day, the ITV soap saw Marlon Dingle, played by Mark Charnock, find out that his teenage daughter April, played by Amelia Flanagan, had run away from home. He finds out that she was ...
Marlon Dingle may have just made his relationship with daughter April Windsor worse after a harsh outburst. During Monday's episode, Marlon had been left shocked after he scrolled through April's ...
Marlon Dingle may have just made his relationship with daughter April Windsor worse after a harsh outburst. During Monday's episode, Marlon had been left shocked after he scrolled through April's ...
Windsor confronted her father, Marlon Dingle, on Emmerdale after he meddled in her friendship with Ross Barton.