“Manon,” which premiered at the War Memorial Opera House on Friday, was choreographed in 1974 by former Royal Ballet Artistic Director Kenneth MacMillan based on a 1731 French novel. Centered around a ...
Manon is coming to Den Norske Opera in March. In a world where extravagant riches and abject poverty exist side by side, ...
Reece Clarke, the principal dancer at the Royal Ballet and Opera, played the role of the devilishly handsome Onegin on ...
A drawing room where pasty-faced men awash in privilege and lust strut about displaying pouty mistresses like prize cattle. As Kenneth MacMillan’s “Manon” had its much-anticipated company premiere at ...
Artistic Director Tamara Rojo’s second repertory season draws heavily upon her experiences at the Royal Ballet and English National Ballet. Tag inside a costume by Nicholas Georgiadis for MacMillan’s ...
Fortune favors the bold, so get boldly out to nightlife and arts events near you. For museums, theater and even more, check ...
When San Francisco Ballet presented its “British Icons” program of works by the great English choreographers Sir Frederick ...
Gemma Bond returns to create her third world premiere with a dance company she has been getting to know since 2022.