The heart is the measure of true service. True honesty is having a heart that is willing to be taught. And who should be teaching us? Only Jesus! We are all his students, disciples who learn every day ...
Muslims believe Hajj offers a chance to wipe clean past sins and start anew before Allah. Additionally, the act of performing ...
Vice President JD Vance speaks during the 20th annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on Feb. 28, 2025, in Washington, D.C. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty ...
Msgr. Joseph Prior explains the emphasis on mercy in this Sunday's Gospel. God’s judgment on the world is forgiveness and Jesus pours forth this mercy in his ministry, passion and death.
I suspect that most people’s concept of prayer is that of Huck Finn. He tells how Miss Watson tried to teach him to pray, but ...
"My dear friends, we had that faith before we came to earth. And we can do the same now," Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus taught ...
Jesus is speaking metaphorically about a truly disabling lack of vision, a spiritual ignorance that can cause one to stumble.
Discover the powerful story of Jesus' call to Simon Peter, James, and John in today's Gospel, inspiring us to our own vocation in life.
Jesus and his disciples passed through Galilee. And he did not want anyone to know, for he was teaching his disciples, saying ...
Sunday of Year C ✠ A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke Lk6:27-38 Jesus said to his disciples: “To you who hear I ...
Living as a Christian means going beyond, standing out and allowing the supernatural virtues of faith, hope and love to shine ...
For those who need a refresher, Easter is one of the principal Holy Days of Christianity. It's the final day of Holy Week, which begins with Palm Sunday to signify when Jesus ente ...