Built at a cost of about Rs 17,840 crore, the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewri-Nhava Sheva Atal Setu is the longest sea bridge in ...
Mumbai's Atal Setu, India’s longest sea bridge, commemorates one year of operations since its public inauguration on January ...
According to an MMRDA report, the bridge was initially projected to handle an average of 57,525 vehicles daily by 2021, with ...
Built at a cost of about Rs 17,840 crore, the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewri-Nhava Sheva Atal Setu is the longest bridge in India ...
Mumbai: India’s longest sea bridge Atal Setu, inaugurated a year ago, recorded an average traffic of fewer than 23,000 ...
Conclusion: Failure to file a transshipment bill was deemed a technical lapse and it did not invalidate the clearance granted ...
India's longest sea bridge Atal Setu (formerly Mumbai Trans Harbour Link or MTHL), inaugurated a year ago, recorded an ...
India’s longest sea bridge Atal Setu (formerly Mumbai Trans Harbour Link or MTHL), inaugurated a year ago, recorded an average traffic of fewer than 23,000 vehicles per day, lower than the initiation ...
Government-owned container handling port Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) saw an 11.99 percent year-on-year rise in container traffic at 7.05 TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) in 2024. The ...