Milei is often branded a “right-wing populist,” “far-right outsider,” and “far-right libertarian.” The fascist Peronists, ...
Javier Milei’s first year as president of Argentina has confounded his critics. Most viewed his promises of radical reform as ...
Argentina, a nation once ranked among the wealthiest in the world, has found itself grappling with severe economic challenges ...
Explained more clearly, for Milei to seek IMF financing would be for the libertarian to not just do something very much at ...
Ever. What all three run out of is investor trust. The above truth rates frequent repeat in light of a recent news account about Javier Milei, Argentina’s president. The report indicated what ...
Yet, “El Loco”—The Madman, as his countrymen call him— accomplished the unimaginable: Argentina’s fiscal deficit was ...
Argentina President Javier Milei is proposing a new law that would “declare it an imprescriptible crime for the state and the ...
This commentary was adapted from an article in UnHerd. It is easy to mock Argentine President Javier Milei, with his crazy hair, cloned dogs and claims of expertise at tantric sex. He was ...
Twelve months on, that global voice of “Sensible Centrism” has changed its tune: “Javier Milei’s reforms hold lessons for the world.” So far, the voters are backing their president ...
Javier Milei, the wild-haired Argentine president known by his supporters as the Madman, has lately edged out Hungary’s Viktor Orban as the MAGA movement’s chief international inspiration.
Argentine President Javier Milei said this weekend in an interview with the Italian TV Quarta Repubblica to be aired Monday that taxes “are theft.” The South American leader also insisted that ...
On the first anniversary since he became Argentina's President, Javier Milei managed to pull the South American country out of rampant inflation with an austerity plan that has pushed millions ...