KOMPAS.com - Kita bisa mengenal planet-planet di Tata Surya karena jasa para ilmuan yang menyumbangkan banyak penemuan tentang benda luar angkasa tersebut. Salah satunya adalah Sir William Herschel.
Ibn Majid and others who were teachers of mankind for centuries. " ''Our great-grandfathers explored the stars, the sky and the planets and set off on the high seas as traders, scientists and ...
Siapa penemu baterai pertama kali di dunia? Temukan fakta menarik, kisah inspiratif, dan sejarah di balik penemuan baterai. Yuk, baca selengkapnya di sini. tirto.id - Penemu baterai pertama kali ...
Abdul Majid Giaka is a pseudonym for the CIA informant who was presented as one of the main witnesses in the trial of Flight 103 suspects. Giaka’s past places him as a member of the Revolutionary ...