The boy who was injured in the Hyderabad theatre stampede during the screening of Pushpa 2 has regained consciousness, said his father on Tuesday, December 24. His father, Bhaskar, also mentioned ...
The boy injured during tragic incident at Sandhya Theatre, finally responds after 20 days. The boy's father shared health update in a media interaction. Hyderabad Police earlier questioned Allu ...
A 15-year-old boy has been seriously injured in a hit and run incident near a school in Kirkby. Merseyside Police said the teenager was cycling on Bracknell Avenue close to Kirkby High School when ...
injuring a 7-year-old boy who required surgery. The drones fell into a crowd of thousands of people watching the show Saturday night at the city's Lake Eola Park. The show was permitted through ...
injuring a 7-year-old boy who required surgery. The drones fell into a crowd of thousands of people watching the show at the city's Lake Eola Park Saturday night. The show was permitted through ...
injuring a 7-year-old boy who required surgery. ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday that it has launched an investigation into why several drones collided and ...
injuring a 7-year-old boy who required surgery. The drones fell into a crowd of thousands of people watching the show at the city's Lake Eola Park Saturday night. The show was permitted through ...
CHICAGO - A 14-year-old boy was shot and injured in the South Chicago neighborhood on Monday morning. The boy was walking in the 8000 block of South Escanaba Avenue around 9:48 a.m. when a black ...
A 7-year-old boy was injured in the incident and was undergoing open-heart surgery, CNN affiliate WESH reported, citing confirmation from the Orlando Fire Department. The boy’s mother ...