For this cheerful Corgi, he’s found one incredibly entertaining way to showcase his talents and earn treats. Even his Samoyed sibling seemed to enjoy the show. Watch his happy dance in this adorable ...
January is "National Train Your Dog Month" to promote the importance and benefits of training your dog to have good manners ...
January is National Train Your Dog Month to raise awareness about the importance of training and socializing your pet for ...
"Within the first two weeks I had taught him to sit, lay down, wait, go, paw and spin," Andrew Hall told Newsweek.
A dding a puppy to the family is a big adjustment for everyone involved, including both the human and animal members of your ...
Fuzai, a sniffer dog with short legs and a viral following in China, also peed in his food bowl. He was docked some treats ...
Amid growing protest from netizens, the Fuzai account did a follow-up post showing how the corgi was rewarded with a ...
Webster, the word “aversive” means “tending to avoid or causing avoidance of a noxious or punishing stimulus.” Does that ...
A crate can be a retreat where dogs relax and feel secure, especially in stressful moments or or overwhelming situations.
According to Dogster, a Corgi sleeps a lot, even in dog timeframes. "Corgis are unique pups. They have their own sweet and ...
Nancy Carey of Marion took her Corgi to The Dock Dog in Shelby for some running exercise. Now, Lily is speeding for a spot at ...
CHICAGO (CBS) -- A Bridgeport neighborhood man's dog was shot and killed by an off-duty Chicago Police officer last year, and ...