The High School Musical film series chronicles two high school students, Troy Bolton, captain of East High School’s basketball team (Wildcats) and Gabriella Montez, a shy top student.
Zac Efron disclosed that he made up everything for the iconic Bet on It number from Disney Channel Original Movie of ...
Come Friday, it’ll be time for Highlands students to dazzle audiences by dancing across the stage to catchy, up-tempo songs made popular in Disney’s “High School Musical 2: On Stage!” ...
Joe Serafini, a 2016 graduate of Bethel Park High School who starred in several seasons of the Disney+ series “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series,” returns home this weekend to ...
Troy is offered a job at Ryan & Sharpay's country club and ends up landing jobs for Gabriella, Chad, Taylor, Kelsi, Jason, Martha and Zeke. He is then introduced to Sharpay's parents and realizes ...