Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscle and makes the body more efficient at pulling oxygen out of the blood. It also ...
Discover how your diet impacts heart health and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Learn about pro-inflammatory ...
A good diet is almost like the "magic medicine" that can stop the arteries from clogging with cholesterol. So, why don't more ...
Around 2.2 million new cases of type 2 diabetes and 1.2 million new cardiovascular cases have been attributed to the ...
Dr Evan Levine has explained the 10 things you should be doing before the age of 40 to reduce your chance of a heart attack.
Focus on Plant-Based Foods: No need to avoid all animal proteins. However, adding more plants to your diet can have major ...
A plant-based diet offers numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, lowering the risk of cardiovascular ...
Researchers have shed light on the dieting habits of 'Blue Zone' residents in a bid to help people live past 100 years old ...
Research reveals the surprising link between choline-rich foods, brain and heart disease prevention. Learn the optimal intake ...
Dr Emma Patel is recommending a type of nut to be eaten daily because it can slash the risk of heart disease by 30 per cent - ...
The best diet varies by individual health goals and lifestyle, but top-rated diets provide a solid foundation for informed nutrition choices.
THERE’S nothing quite like the snap-crackle-pop sound of opening a can of soda and taking your first sip of the cool, fizzy ...