the Real Ghostbusters? The 1984 original was lightning in a bottle, perfectly blending Saturday Night Live-style, adult-ish comedy with the latest state-of-the-art special effects and Dan Aykroyd ...
could mean we see Phoebe (Mckenna Grace) and Trevor Spengler (Finn Wolfhard) return in some way. If that's the case, it could be a story where they're further building up the Ghostbusters or going ...
His identity isn’t explicitly stated, but the Ghostbusters jumpsuit branded with the name “Dr. Egon Spengler” found by Phoebe in her grandfather’s secret lab seems to indicate that it’s ...
Wandering around their grandfather’s old pile, Phoebe and Trevor discover their ... Where the first two Ghostbusters outings went for the funny bone, Afterlife is going straight for the heart.