Adam Goldberg on Friends and playing Eddie: ‘I was a snob – I told my agent, no way I’d take the part’ My 1-Ingredient ...
In a new photo series, editor and creative producer Ruhama Wolle evokes the complexity of homebuilding and return.
Gabina VOA is designed to be an infotainment youth radio show broadcasting to Ethiopia and Eritrea in the Amharic language.
Her new EP, FK IT, features recently released songs like “I Hate Your Face,” “Don’t Call Me,” and “Already Dug Your Grave.” ...
They may be Tigrinya speakers fleeing the authoritarian Eritrean government’s indefinite military service policy. Or Rohingya ...
በቅርቡ በዋነኝነት ሊስፋፋ በሚችል አዲስ የኮቪድ ዝርያ የሚያዙ ሰዎች ቁጥር እየጨመረ መሆኑን ሳይንቲስቶች ገለጹ። በሰ ...
ማክሰኞ እና ረቡዕ ሊባኖስን ያናወጧት በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ፍንዳታዎች በአስር የሚቆጠሩ ሰዎችን ሲገድሉ ሺዎች ቀላል እና ...
"እኩለ ሌሊት ላይ ከተማዋ ባሸለበችበት እንደገና አስፈሪ የጠላት ጥቃት በኪሪቪ ሪህ ላይ ደርሷል " ሲሉ አስተዳዳሪው ሊሳክ በቴሌግራም ላይ በጽፉት መልዕክት ተናግረዋል፡፡ ተጨማሪ ሶስት ሰዎች ቆስለው ...
A Kenmore Middle School seventh grader is receiving national recognition for a project studying massive bursts of plasma from ...
DW's GirlZ Off Mute provides a platform for young, female reporters across Africa. Equipped with a camera and mic, 13- to ...
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced plans to ban young people from social media sites. The ban is likely to apply to children under 14. Critics have questioned whether it can be ...
The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, has warned that rising sea levels are going to be disastrous not just the Pacific Islands, but for everyone across the globe. His comments ...