Semiconductors are essentially the brains of modern electronics. Integrated Circuits (ICs) and microchips that power ...
On the periodic table, semiconductors (also known as metalloids) crop up along a diagonal line between conductors and insulators. Noble gases such as helium and neon are poor conductors of ...
Scientists have observed a unique particle that moves easily one way, yet resists at 90 degrees. These semi-Dirac fermions were observed using their energy signature in a topological metal. Particles ...
These work fine at room temperature, but as they get hotter the way electrons flow through the semiconductors starts ... make the layers act as either an insulator or a conductor, producing ...
Additionally, graphene is an excellent thermal conductor, minimizing battery heating by dissipating ... Where graphene currently struggles to stand out compared to semiconductors is in the field of ...
Stanford researchers have uncovered a new material, niobium phosphide, that surpasses copper in electrical conductivity when ...
Arizona State University will become the home of a new national laboratory for researching the way semiconductors are ...
A research has the potential to advance sustainable energy technologies and reduce the environmental impact of electronic devices.
Taiwan Semiconductor is proficient in making general-purpose chips between 12 and 28 nm. However, chip plants in Japan failed to produce semiconductors thinner than 40 nm, prompting them to tap ...