2月25日,中国节能环保集团有限公司 (简称“中国节能”)与宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司 (简称“宁德时代”)在福建宁德举行战略合作协议签约仪式。 双方将充分发挥新能源领域里的产业、技术、资本、全球化协同能力及品牌信誉等优势,在新能源材料、储能技术研发创新及储能设备采购,产业和项目协同开发等多个领域展开深度合作,共同推动储能产业高质量发展。
36氪获悉,2月22日晚,思朗科技宣布完成D轮融资交割。本轮融资由宁德时代旗下产业投资平台溥泉资本(CATL ...
An employee explains the functions of a CATL battery during an auto expo in Beijing in October. [CHEN XIAOGEN/FOR CHINA DAILY] Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd, the world's largest electric ...
36氪获悉,2月23日,2025全球开发者先锋大会在上海徐汇召开,上海市副市长陈杰出席开幕式并发表致辞。陈杰指出,面对人工智能快速迭代、模型开源的新趋势,上海将继续发挥超大城市的综合优势,加快建设更具国际影响力的人工智能“上海高地”。进一步完善开源开 ...
China's Contemporary Amperex Technology (CATL), the largest electric vehicle battery producer in the world, has filed for listing on Hong Kong's stock exchange. The IPO is expected to raise at ...
CATL, as the world’s top electric-vehicle battery maker is known, is set to add Goldman Sachs Group, Morgan Stanley and UBS Group to the roster of banks arranging the offering, the people said, asking ...
CATL, as the world’s top electric-vehicle battery maker is known, is set to add Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley and UBS Group AG to the roster of banks arranging the offering ...
Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. is considering filing its application for its jumbo Hong Kong listing as soon as this month or early March, people familiar with the matter said.
In 2024, CATL solidified its leadership in the both China and global power battery industry through groundbreaking achievements in technology innovation, sustainability, and strategic collaborations.
Photo Caption: Libin Tan, co-president of sales and marketing of CATL (right), and Oscar de Bok, CEO, DHL Supply Chain (left) signed the strategic agreement With the strategic agreement, CATL will ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...