"Batman: Caped Crusader" was developed by "Batman: The Animated Series" co-creator Bruce Timm, with veteran Batman comic ...
That would be Batman: Caped Crusader. It’s out imminently, out on August 1. It’s animated, not live action, but that’s arguably better, as this is flashing back to the Bruce Timm Batman ...
Batman: Caped Crusader introduces a Bruce Wayne who is early in his days as Gotham’s Dark Knight and takes place in a period that reflects an early 20th-century aesthetic. In this new animated ...
Building off of Batman and Superman solo animated series and spinning off into Justice League Unlimited, the creatives behind the show lead by Bruce Timm were also creating a blueprint that box ...
Building off of Batman and Superman solo animated series and spinning off into Justice League Unlimited, the creatives behind the show lead by Bruce Timm were also creating a blueprint that box ...