The key building block of a basic quantum computer is the so-called qubit. These are analogous to the regular bits in a conventional computer, in that they can represent a value of "0" or a value ...
"Another indispensable ingredient is the communication between the measured classical bits and the unmeasured ... the quantum order in their 54-qubit system that was masked by noise.
You’ll be hearing a lot about quantum computing in 2025. Here’s where the field is at – and where it’s all going.
One key advantage of a cat qubit is that as you scale up the number of qubits, the number of so-called "bit-flip" errors —where a 0 switches to a 1 or vice versa — decreases dramatically.
MIT researchers have pushed the boundaries of quantum computing by developing fluxonium qubits that demonstrate world-record ...
The refrigerator utilizes interactions between different qubits, specifically between the target qubit to be cooled and two quantum bits used for cooling. Next to one of the qubits, a warm ...