At least six people lost their lives and several were injured during a stampede near Tirupati's Vishnu Nivasam on Wednesday. The chaos erupted as hundreds of devotees gathered for Vaikunta Darshan ...
A rescue team conducted a retrieval operation for an 18-year-old girl who fell into a 540ft (165m) deep borewell in India. The victim was trapped in the narrow pipeline, which measured only one foot ...
An 18-year-old girl who fell into a 540-foot-deep borewell and was rescued after more than 33 hours in Gujarat’s Kutch district was declared dead at a hospital ...
An 18-year-old girl who fell into a 540-foot-deep borewell and was rescued after more than 33 hours in Gujarat’s Kutch district was declared dead at a hospital here on Tuesday, officials said. The ...
An 18-year-old girl tragically died after being stuck for over 33 hours in a 540-foot borewell in Gujarat's Kutch district.
An 18-year-old girl was rescued from a 540-foot borewell after being trapped for over 33 hours in Gujarat's Kutch. She was found at stuck the depth of 490 feet.