These are our favorite lures, flies, and live bait options for catching giant bluegills and other panfish species.
Atlantis has appeared in Fisch, and it’s time to get all the new fish and fill up your Greek-themed bestiary to reach level 1000, unlocking the rare Seraphic Rod.
The Shimonoseki City Aquarium in Japan's Yamaguchi Prefecture needed to undergo renovations, and temporarily closed to the public in December, 2024. Staff said the aquarium's sunfish lost his appetite ...
The Yomiuri Shimbun, the Yomiuri Giants and Yomiuri Land Co. announced Thursday a plan to build an aquarium in Tokyo Giants ...
Although fun, the schooling fish need an environment that provides lots of enrichment when kept in a smaller tank, increasing ...
Washington became the last state on the U.S. West Coast to reject salmon aquaculture over environmental concerns. A new ...
3D-printed shell halves allowed researchers to peek inside the cichlid's home and observe the behavior of the mother and her fry during brood care.
A Trump executive order directs agencies to 'to route more water' across the state. But some say there's a lot more at stake.
Aquaculture is a leading contributor to the failing health of the ocean. Shrimp ponds in Lombok, Indonesia, have devastated ...
There’s a stereotype that keeping saltwater fish tanks is very difficult. Maybe this was true once. Now it’s much easier ...
One of the most common mistakes that new fish owners make is overfeeding their fish. This is quite easy to do, but it can ...
First documented in Florida in 1997, the Asian swamp eel keeps nudging north in Florida, threatening fragile landscapes.