Following the announcement that the Village People would be performing at several upcoming inauguration events, what is it ...
In a political career that isn't short of ironies and contradictions, this one must be near the top of the list. YMCA was ... performance on the TV show American Bandstand in 1979, make it even ...
In a frank memoir, George Johnson tells how he took Johnson Products public, hosted Martin Luther King, got Jesse Jackson up ...
Over the years the Haygoods' show evolved with unique takes on a classic songs, more than 20 instruments, distinct harmonies and modern dance moves ... Dick Clark's American Bandstand Theatre ...
American Bandstand was our TV classroom ... because once the teenyboppers bounced onto the TV dance floor, we kids in Austin were one with them, our feet in perfect harmony.
More than 400 hundred young ballet dancers from the Northeast gathered with the hopes of winning a prestigious scholarship at ...
Some might call it the “American Idol” of ballet dancing. More than 400 hundred young ballet dancers from the Northeast gathered in Massachusetts with the hopes of winning a prestigious ...