Located in Istanbul's Üsküdar district, the neighborhood of Kuzguncuk has long been populated by the city's Jewish community, though shrinking in number in recent years. The neighborhood is literally ...
Hadith number 6985 of the 41 st book from the Hadith collection known as Sahih Muslim, compiled by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj native of Nishapur in modern-day eastern Iran, reads as follows: Abu Huraira ...
The Gaziantep Synagogue that hosted mostly the Jewish community coming from Arab countries during the Ottoman Empire, opened its doors once again after 40 years. The Gaziantep Synagogue which had been ...
I am very happy. I studied for four and a half years for this book. I had listed what I wanted to know. For example, I was wondering about the defamation of Atatürk’s being an English spy. Our minds ...
Hollywood´s famous couple Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones visited the Kuzguncuk Synagogue in Istanbul during the world tour they are taking with their children. Hollywood's famous couple ...
Hadith number 6985 of the 41 st book from the Hadith collection known as Sahih Muslim, compiled by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj native of Nishapur in modern-day eastern Iran, reads as follows: Abu Huraira ...
Pazar günü planlanandan yaklaşık üç saat sonra başlayan İsrail- Hamas ateşkesinde 3 İsrailli rehine ve 90 Filistinli mahkûm ...
2017’de HTŞ, Astana görüşmeleri nde sağlanan ateşkes kapsamında Türk birliklerinin kuzeybatı Suriye'de devriye gezmesine izin ...
ABD merkezli oyun ve bilgisayar teknolojileri devi Nvidia, İsrail´deki operasyonlarını genişleterek ülkenin kuzeyinde ...
Hayatımızı bir bütün olarak ele aldığımızda her şey daha anlamlı bir bütün haline gelir… ...
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ), perşembe günü yaptığı ilk değerlendirmede, Gazze´nin yok olmuş sağlık sistemini yeniden inşa etmek ...
Sezonun ilk grand slam tenis turnuvası Avustralya Açık´ta İspanyol Carlos Alcaraz ve Sırp Novak Djokovic, ikinci tura ...