Inspired by the story of the widow’s penny in Mark’s gospel, Ian Boughton wonders about the impact of his own humble ...
The Rev Richard Lamey has been licensed by the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Graham Usher, as the new Director of Mission and ...
Sheringham Shed, which is run by the town’s Lighthouse Community Church, is opening its doors as a Repair Shop, and anyone ...
The Church of England in Norfolk and Waveney has launched a new racial justice toolkit to support 550 parishes across the ...
The founder of a school near Bethlehem for special needs children has been staying in North Norfolk, and his visit has raised ...
Exactly 150 years ago 26 people died in a railway disaster near Norwich and last weekend descendants of the dead, and of ...
If anyone has slept rough in Norwich in the last 25 years it is very likely that they will have benefited from the Salvation ...
The first anniversary of the opening of the new Priscilla Bacon Lodge near Norwich has been marked by patients and their ...
Connect Norwich gathered at The Matthew Project's centre in Norwich, and heard about the difference the charity has been ...
Kindness is one of the Fruits of the Spirit, and Jane Walters reminds us of the joy that can be released when we are kind to ...
This weekend, the Bishop of Norwich will lead a service in Norwich Cathedral to celebrate those who work with children and ...
From scroll to best-selling paperback – how we got our Bible” is the subject of a teaching day at All Saints' Church in ...