Actor Sivakarthikeyan has announced that he has named his newborn son, his third child, Pavan. The couple already has two children - Aaradhana and Gugan. According to SK's official note ...
Sivakarthikeyan has released a video apologizing ... making it impossible for him to walk. To treat his son, Napoleon turned to Siddha medicine and eventually settled in the United States with ...
Participating as a special guest in the audio launch event of Nesippaya, a film that has been directed by well known director ...
Sivakarthikeyan has been praised for his heartwarming performance in the biopic film Amaran, starring Sivakarthikeyan and Sai Pallavi in lead roles. His physical transformation for the role was ...
The audio launch of the film Nesipaya, directed by Vishnuvardhan, was held in Chennai on January 3. The film stars Akash Murali, younger son of actor Murali and brother of Atharvaa, ...