Speed cameras will go up at 33 locations in San Francisco next Thursday, set to automatically snap photos of rear license plates when motorists are driving too fast. After a two-month grace period, ...
Officials gathered Friday in Hauppauge to urge state lawmakers to approve the budget provisions needed to keep highway ...
The city says the mobile cameras will go live later this month in the 10 areas where ‘Municipal Speed Camera Coming Soon’ ...
According to Sniffen, once the speed cameras can see your vehicle, at any point on the road, and you are going more than five ...
Cameras are a much safer deterrent than having police officers make stops. Every stop made by an officer results in risks to ...
NEWPORT – City Councilors were sticker-shocked when they found out a request to remove a speed camera on Ruggles Avenue would ...
Mayor Brandon Scott and other Baltimore officials announced the two speed cameras on I-83 are moving to a different area of ...
A motion by Commissioner Robert McCann to refund $100 citations was changed to terminate the speed detecting program entirely ...
The Georgia House of Representatives punted the question to the Georgia Senate this week when it passed two competing bills: one that would ban the school zone speed cameras and one that would tighten ...
Some Georgia lawmakers are trying to get rid of automated cameras that enforce school zone speed limits, saying the cameras ...
The Durango Police Department hopes to install automated speed enforcement cameras by summer. The initiative was developed in ...
SHREVEPORT, La. -- Shreveport City Council members voted 4 to 3 to extend speed enforcement cameras throughout the city.