The Research Council of Norway announced new research funding this week under its Democracy and Global Development panel. PRIO was successful in securi ...
Larissa Munch is an intern in the Communication Department at PRIO, as a part of her Master's Degree in Theory and Practice ...
Høivik, Tord (ed.) (1986) Fredsforskningsspørsmål for 80-åra [Peace research questions for the 1980s]. PRIO Paper. Oslo: PRIO. The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) conducts research on the ...
Bye, Vegard & Nils Haugstveit (1986) Nicaraguas forsøk på alliansefrihet [Nicaragua's attempt at alliance freedom]. PRIO Paper. OSLO: PRIO. The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) conducts research ...
Eckhoff, Torstein (1984) Kapprustningen – kan den stanses? [The Arms Race - Cat It Be Halted?]. Oslo: Tanum-Norli. The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) conducts research on the conditions for ...
Ophélie Schwab Successfully defended her MA thesis at the University of Oslo, titled "Exploring Interreligious Dimensions of Conflict: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the European Union's Framing of ...
We invite abstracts for a panel at the IMISCOE Annual Conference, Paris, 1-4 July 2025. Submission deadline: 18 September 2024. People who migrate are not first and foremost ‘migrants’, and those who ...
Egeland, Jan (1988) Impotent Superpower – Potent Small State. Potentials and Limitations of Human Rights Objectives of the United States and Norway.. Oslo: Norwegian University Press.
Many international borders represent a challenge to peace and security in neighboring countries, as border areas often function as sanctuaries for armed groups and illegal trade with high-value ...
Eide, Asbjørn (1977) Det internasjonale menneskerettighetsvern [The international protection of human rights]. Norges Offentlige Utredninger (NOU): 3. Oslo: Norwegian University Press.
It is of paramount importance that US policy­makers begin to dispassionately inquire about the sources of anti-US Arab rage incarnated in militant Islamic terror ...
This report examines the relationship between mass mobilization and democratic change, drawing on previous research and new data. We focus on four central aspects determining mass mobilization success ...