This is beautiful, forbidding country, through which a new railroad ... more directly across the region. The Iron Silk Road will launch a new chapter in the history of the Caucasus.
The cases of five countries illustrate not only what can ... The project in Laos has been heavily criticized by opponents of the new Silk Road because of its financing. World Bank figures seem ...
To engage Africa in the New Silk Road, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi also paid a visit in January 2017 to other selected African countries. African states include Madagascar, Zambia ...
and telecommunications systems uniting a colossal Old World consumer market touching 60 countries. The new Silk Road is Chinese. A man collects Soviet-era relics in Moynoq, Uzbekistan. A Soviet ...
From Kenya to Kazakhstan, there is a new Silk Road connecting transport hubs, ports, cities and countries. In four different locations, this series hears from those whose lives are being ...
It is a pity that China did not keep the name –Silk Road – something that is immediately recognisable with its mix of history, romance and trade routes spanning several countries and cities ...