He was the first African American to win the award. In 1984 ... family was forbidden from attending the ceremony. In 2013, Mary Barra became CEO of General Motors, the first woman to head a ...
Mary Barra has been CEO of GM for less than a month, but she's already receiving major accolades. Barra took the top spot in Fortune magazine's first list of the 50 Global Most Powerful Women in ...
Time Magazine is acknowledging Barra by naming her one of its "100 Most Influential People" for 2014, and Barra is even on one of the available covers. Author: Chris Bruce ...
Mary Barra has been multitasking, readying General Motors for the electric automobile future even as she has continued to expand market share for the carmaker’s current vehicles. Last year ...
Before becoming the CEO of General Motors last year, Mary Barra's ... At the 2015 Catalyst Awards, honoring progressive gender initiatives in American corporations, Barra told Catalyst president ...
In her 10th year on the job, Mary Barra returns to the top of the MPW list. The CEO of General Motors has led the company to its strongest financial position in decades, reforming its culture and ...