In "The Devil's Climb," a National Geographic documentary, the famed rock climbers Tommy Caldwell and Alex Honnold ("Free Solo") break a world record by climbing a treacherous Alaskan mountain in ...
Interview with Americans Tommy Caldwell and Alex Honnold who from 12 - 16 February ... We’d both fallen asleep as soon as we got back to our house and woke up when some friends came over to check in ...
Elite rock climber Tommy Caldwell's currently promoting his National Geographic documentary The Devil's Climb, about his latest adventure with Free Solo's Alex Honnold. However, in 2000 ...
Breaking news from Yosemite: America’s Tommy Caldwell has just managed to redpoint the final 5.14 pitch, half-way up Dawn Wall, El Capitan, USA. Good news from Yosemite where 36-year-old American ...
In 2000, Tommy Caldwell and three other climbers were kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan. They escaped after Caldwell pushed a guard off a cliff. Caldwell said his long climbing career prepared him for ...