CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - The Old Brooklyn Historical Society is raising concerns after the approval the demolition of the building on Memphis and Pearl they have operated from for nearly a decade.
The display at the Brooklyn Historical Society, which opens Wednesday, Sept. 23, tells the story of the franchise from start to finish — it touches on the purchase of the team, Dwyer’s arrest ...
A map assembled by the Brooklyn Historical Society in 2015 used census data from the 1940s to highlight average rents throughout the borough during that time period. The map shows that in most of ...
The Brooklyn Catholic Historical Society has arranged for a Turner memorial meeting, which is to be held in Historial Hall Tuesday evening, when the following papers are to be read: View Full Arti ...
In light of the upcoming 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act the Brooklyn Historical Society is launching an exhibition called "Gaining Access: The New York City Disability ...