Chennai: Actor-turned-politician Vijay unveiled the flag and symbol of his party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK ... the name of his party - Tamilaga Vetri Kazham in February this year.
"Having an elephant symbol on the TVK's party flag will ... Vijay unveiled the flag of his political party - Tamilaga Vetri ...
Chennai: The Tamilaga Vetri Kazhagam is all set to ramp up its activities after Pongal though it had decided to not contest the by-election for the Erode East Assembly constituency on February 5 ...
Actor Vijay entered politics and announced the name of his party - Tamilaga Vetri Kazham ... unveiled the flag and symbol of his political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), on August 22 ...