Watching the "Star Trek" movies in order of release also places them in proper continuity order, since the original cast ...
Whether you’ve overlooked Star Trek for the past 60 years, looking to finally catch up, or are a die-hard fan setting out on a new binge, this list is here to help you figure out the best order ...
The cast of the motion picture 'Star Trek' (1979).
Raise shields, red alert — we’re going to try and put all the Star Trek movies in order. And we do mean try. When they were focused on the Original Series era, the Star Trek movies were so ...
If you don't know where to start, read on for our overview of how to watch Star Trek in release and chronological order. Once you have all the information you need, venture forth into the final ...
Star Trek is a multi-generational franchise and cultural touchstone that has turned into a streaming juggernaut. By subscribing to Paramount+ , you get access to every TV show and movie in the ...
In recent years, Paramount has decided to go all in on Star Trek TV in order to recapture some of the magic from past years. If you're looking to watch some Star Trek—whether it be the classic ...
The second Star Trek film gave the world the iconic “Khaaaaan!” scream and is often ranked as a fan favorite. After Spock has to sacrifice himself in The Wrath of Khan to save the crew amid ...
The complicated Star Trek universe and its dual timelines — called "Prime" and "Kelvin" — make it difficult to know how to watch the movies in storyline order. Here’s a complete guide on how to catch ...