The new movie, “The Six Triple Eight,” showcases the story of the only women’s Army Corps battalion of color during World War II. Actress Pepi Sonuga said being a part of the film was ...
Kerry Washington plays Lt. Col. Charity Adams, the real-life commander of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, in ...
The Six Triple Eight' producer Nicole Avant and Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos explain how the late Clarence and Jacqueline Avant influenced the film.
The Six Triple Eight. (L-R) Sarah Jeffrey as Dolores Washington, Pepi Sonuga as Elaine White, ... [+] Milauna Jackson as Captain Campbell, Moriah Brown as Inez, Shanice Shantay as Johnnie Mae and ...
A women's battalion that delivered mail to troops during WWII was honored in a new film called Six Triple Eight. The movie premiered at ASU where one of the two surviving members of the battalion ...