It promises unprecedented data on the chemical composition of Saturn. It also sets the stage for the probe's dramatic end-manoeuvre next month when it will plunge to destruction in the planet's ...
In three months, Saturn's iconic, icy rings will appear to disappear, giving you a preview of what the planet could look like 100 million to 300 million years from now. On March 23, an optical ...
An event called a "ring plane crossing" will occur between Saturn and Earth on March 23, 2025, when Saturn's rings will ...
Incineration in the heat and pressure of the plunge was inevitable - but Cassini still managed to despatch home some novel data on the chemical composition of Saturn's atmosphere. And so ends one ...
The rotorcraft-lander will sample various sites on Titan, Saturn's largest moon, to determine its composition in different geological settings. "The nuclear-powered rotorcraft will look for ...
Jamie Carter is an award-winning reporter who covers the night sky. Saturn is already visible in the post-sunset night sky, but it will reach its annual opposition on September 7-8, 2024.
Saturn's spectacular rings may be far older ... "While this mechanism may not alter the bulk composition of the impacted target, it suggests that surface composition could change." ...