Conventional wisdom in law and economics holds that legal rules should be designed solely to promote efficiency, leaving income redistribution to the tax system. But when does this principle hold true ...
Ronald Coase (1910-2013) was a British economist and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences. He received this award in 1991 for his discovery and clarification of the significance of ...
The arguments of these gentlemen are related to theories by Ronald Coase, a Nobel-winning British economist. Coase held that under the right conditions, parties in a property dispute would be able ...
Coordination of economic activity in these imaginary worlds would be via prices/bargaining. Coase's observation: There are costs to using the price mechanism for coordinating economic activity.
"Expecting interest rate cuts to support the property market is unlikely for this year," said Chau Kwong-wing, chair professor and director of the Ronald Coase Centre for Property Rights Research ...
Ronald Coase won the Nobel prize in the early 1990s. Unlike many of the other winners, he didn't get it as a "lifetime achievement" award. Rather, he won it for his ideas found in basically one paper: ...
Ronald Coase received the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences in 1991 for his discovery and clarification of the significance of transaction costs and property rights for the institutional structure and ...