One reason may be that some abstract works, with their reduction of figuration, color, and light, are uncluttered. Yet even when an abstract work is cluttered, like an action painting by Jackson ...
Chemical biology and systems biology have grown and evolved in parallel during the past decade, but the mindsets of the two disciplines remain quite different. As the inevitable intersections ...
Paul Austin Murphy repudiates a blasé reduction of mind to matter by one of the discoverers of the structure of DNA. In Francis Crick’s 1994 book, The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for ...
As a whole, it makes for a powerful corrective to the received wisdom, rescuing its six subjects from "reductionism" and allowing them "to be understood as vigorous, nuanced characters".
Abstract: Paul Benacerraf's argument from multiple reductions consists of a general argument against realism about the natural numbers (the view that numbers are objects), and a limited argument ...
Biomedical research has enjoyed an eruption of reductionism where organs are reduced to tissues, cells and molecules. Although reductionism (including proteomic and genomic) is a powerful approach to ...