If you’re looking to grow your own veggies to get your five a day straight from the garden, then carrots are the perfect ...
Crisp, sweet, and healthy, carrots are an excellent staple for your home kitchen garden. Once you feel comfortable growing them, the next exciting venture is to save seeds from your veggies.
Carrots and parsnips grow best in light, sandy soil so if your soil is heavy clay, stony, chalky or doesn't drain particularly well, concentrate on the maincrop, short-root types which cope better ...
Knowing when to start seeds indoors ensures your favorite flowers and veggies will be ready to plant outdoors when spring ...
Everyone thinks the gardening season starts in the spring. That misses the first stage, which starts in winter with the dream ...
Don't let root vegetables intimidate you; Pottle says carrots are an easy crop to grow for precisely that reason—they can stay in the ground until you're ready to pull them. Plant carrot ...
For example, root vegetables such as carrots will not do well ... the garden (i.e. direct-sowed). Your seed packet will provide recommendations and planting instructions. Starting plants indoors ...
A historic farm that had grown carrots for 27 years is now returning to the business thanks to a ‘Welsh Veg in Schools’ ...