A composition photo of images taken during the lunar occultation on Jan. 4 captures the progression of the moon moving in ...
Twenty years ago, the Huygens probe achieved humanity's first landing on a moon in the outer solar system when it touched ...
Both Venus and Saturn will be in the Aquarius constellation, the water bearer, during their close approach. To help spot it, ...
James Webb Space Telescope and the W.M. Keck Observatory captured new images of Saturn's moon Titan. Credit: NASA/STScI/W. M.
A famous illustration of Saturn's moon Titan got it all wrong. Never mind -- what we imagine space to be, and what we know it ...
"In January, you'll have the opportunity to take in four bright planets in a sweeping view" said Preston Dyches of NASA's Jet ...
Planetary alignments aren't rare, but they can be when they involve six of the eight planets in our solar system.
Alignments of five or more planets are rare—there will be two more featuring five or more planets this year, but after that ...
Plus: Saturn’s moon Iapetus is visible, our Moon passes the bright star Spica, and Mars skims south of Pollux in Gemini in ...
A famous illustration of Saturn's moon Titan got it all wrong. Never mind -- what we imagine space to be, and what we know it ...