For the past 60 years, an alien named Paul (voiced by Seth Rogen) has been hanging out at a top-secret military base. When he discovers he's been taken prisoner, the space-traveling smart ass ...
Discover the top alien and space movies, featuring thrilling adventures, extraterrestrial encounters, and epic journeys through the cosmos.
Based on the popular comic book series of the same name, Alien vs. Predator allowed director Paul W.S. Anderson to ... Predator; the film was basically an excuse to string together a series ...
In 2012, the science-fiction/horror film Prometheus brought Ridley Scott back to the film franchise he launched in 1979 with Alien. Prometheus Collection movies offer a sort of back door into the ...
A science fiction horror film franchise, focusing on Lieutenant Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) and her battle with an extraterrestrial life-form, commonly referred to as "the Alien". Produced by ...