Of course, Paris is a major tourist destination year-round, and Notre Dame is among its most popular attractions. Don’t ...
Notre Dame is older than France itself. Construction on the medieval ... 816 C.E., French kings had traditionally been coronated at Reims Cathedral in the Champagne region. Napoleon reversed ...
French painter Claire Tabouret has been chosen to create new stained-glass windows for Notre-Dame, a project supported by President Emmanuel Macron and the Archbishop of Paris but which has caused ...
L'atelier de maîtres verriers Simon-Marq à Reims a été choisi par l'Elysée pour confectionner de nouveaux vitraux pour la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris qui a rouvert ses portes au public le ...
Sous la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims (Marne) se trouve un lieu peu connu du grand public, et dont l'accès est quasi-impossible. Il s'agit du baptistère de Clovis, roi des Francs, nommé ainsi car son ...
Notre Dame is older than France itself. Construction on the medieval ... 816 C.E., French kings had traditionally been coronated at Reims Cathedral in the Champagne region. Napoleon reversed ...
Brigit Bontour, originaire de Rozay-en-Brie, vient de sortir sa dernière création : Le goût des cathédrales. L'occasion pour ...
Emmanuel Macron’s former heritage tsar has denounced the president’s “God”-like decision to replace 19th-century stained ...
Cathedral of Reims or the Amiens Cathedral. Work is continuing on the cathedral’s flying buttresses; the stained glass rose windows and areas around Notre Dame, including a park. The Paris ...