Castillo Engineering was selected by Montante Solar to provide design and engineering services on two of Calibrant Energy’s ...
State and city lawmakers, and community leaders are gathering on Tuesday to discuss a legislation that would oppose the new ...
The landfill used to be owned and operated by a now-defunct paper mill and its new owner has begun planning how to shut it down.
A large part of this maintenance is the disposal of leachate - the garbage-tainted water that accumulates when rainwater penetrates the landfill cap. The current process of emptying the leachate ...
He said “landfills, once constructed, are permanently there.” But cap rock — an area of hard, impervious rock — also rings around Oahu’s coastline like a protective barrier, he added.
An industrial-scale incinerator generating electricity by burning garbage is the largest producer of greenhouse gases ...
In the past year, the ACUA has added almost 50 new gas capturing wells, and is about to permanently cap another 16 acres of the landfill to further cut down on odors. At one point right before the ...
In a recent Guam Environmental Protection Agency board meeting, officials discussed ongoing efforts to expand composting ...
Of course, before placing anything on top of the landfill cap, a thorough study has to determine that it will not be damaged. The thousands of pollutants under the cap need to be contained ...
Removing radioactive waste from the West Lake Landfill will cost nearly $400 million after federal ... football fields piled one yard high with material — and expand the cap it plans to place on other ...
5. Repair existing landfill cap damaged and/or removed during excavation activities. 6. Restoration and establishment of vegetation within disturbed areas. 7. Clean-up of all areas to the Owner's ...