The High School Musical film series chronicles two high school students, Troy Bolton, captain of East High School’s basketball team (Wildcats) and Gabriella Montez, a shy top student.
Troy Bolton ... to East High, his high school in New Mexico, to find that Gabriella is a new student there. They quickly become close friends and accidentally audition for the school musical.
A toddler has captivated the internet with his perfect re-enactment of an iconic High School ... of Troy Bolton's famous routine. "Bet On It" is one of the film's most iconic musical numbers ...
What if I told you High School Musical 3 was nearly Halloween-themed? Or that the Wildcats were actually Leopards?
Troy Bolton, portrayed by Zac Efron in the Disney Channel films, was a high school basketball star torn between his love for the sport and his newfound interest in theatre. Similarly, Starkey grew ...
"When we shot that. We just had no ideas for what to do on the day," Efron recalls of filming the iconic number for the ...
One High School Musical cast member in particular shared his love for the dance: Bart Johnson, who played Coach Bolton in the movies. Take a look at how fans reacted on social media.
But an even bigger milestone also happened on January 20: marked the 15th anniversary of High School Musical. You might not eve have been born when basketball guy Troy Bolton (Zac Efron ...
The actor—who played Troy Bolton, high school basketball superstar and walk-on musical aficionado, in all three of the films ... the third installment, and Mr. Danforth is played by Corbin's ...
The High School Musical film series chronicles two high school students, Troy Bolton, captain of East High School’s basketball team (Wildcats) and Gabriella Montez, a shy top student.