A Baltimore-area company has signed a $3 million deal to help a wastewater treatment plant use algae to transform sewage into jet fuel.
Before dropping the idea, Exxon previously touted algae as a sustainable alternative to diesel fuel. Meanwhile, Toyota invested heavily in hybrid technology and hydrogen fuel as part of a ...
If the alliance is successful, pumping algae-based gasoline at Exxon service stations is still several years away and will mean additional, multibillion-dollar investments for mass production.
It singled out Exxon, which, for years, trumpeted its support for algae in television commercials and promised it could produce 10,000 barrels a day by 2025. Exxon quietly abandoned the effort ...
Technology: Strains of algae engineered by Synthetic Genomics excrete oils that could be refined to make biofuels, including equivalents of gasoline and diesel. In partnership with ExxonMobil ...