Both the work and book benefit enormously from the application of behavioral economics, which goes beyond the narrow utilitarianism of classical economics to examine how real people make decisions.
$27.95. Behavioral economics sees the world as full of humans, not “econs,” in the language Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein popularized in Nudge, their seminal work in this area. Now Thaler has a new ...
Understanding economics and its machines, even in small parts, can help us understand our world. “Some economists have sought to make their 'science' more accessible by writing books for the ...
Check if you have access via personal or institutional login Economics for People and the Planet, a collection of essays edited by James K. Boyce on the environment, inequality and the economy, argues ...
The core of Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo’s new book, Poor Economics, can be summed up by a single sentence in the foreword: “[W]e have to abandon the habit of reducing the poor to cartoon ...
Abhijit Banerjee’s Chhaunk: On Food, Economics and Society isn’t just a book. It’s a mélange that effortlessly blends memoirs, a personal diary, economics, social sciences, history and ...
When Central Michigan University economics professor Jason Taylor finished his first general interest book, he gave a copy to ...
In her book Strictly Personal: Manmohan and Gursharan, published in 2014, Daman Singh also said economics was a subject that appealed to him. She also wrote that her father was a funny man saying ...
This stark contradiction is just one of the many themes explored by economist and Nobel laureate Abhijit Banerjee in his latest book, Chhaunk: On Food, Economics, and Society. In a conversation at ...